I Jornadas: El objeto Impreso Indeterminado
Joana Bravo - The place of the book: From the church to the museum (and back again)

Joana Bravo - The place of the book: From the church to the museum (and back again)

Why are there books in art museums? There is a crescent trend in recent years to include publications in exhibitions, whether to provide context to curatorial discourses or hung side by side with artworks. But if the book was conceived as an object to be activated (i.e. by the reader), then what happens when that action is prohibited? The first printed book — the Bible — was aimed to be read out loud in cathedrals, places of common worship, where touching was not allowed. After centuries of technological and social transformation, the book had become a secular part of our domestic environments. But are these contemporary disembodied experiences in museums and galleries driving us back to some sort of transcendental connection with the book?

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I Jornadas: El objeto Impreso Indeterminado
l problema de la belleza del objeto impreso radica, como ya aventuró Adorno refiriéndose a la belleza natural, en la “indeterminación, la del objeto y también la del concepto.” A raíz de ese problema invitamos a reflexionar sobre la estética editorial desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar. Es decir, criticar el discurso y los antecedentes históricos sobre la evolución técnica, social y estética del tradicional libro impreso, elaborando así su concepto como objeto contemporáneo. No solo se pretende un análisis formal de objeto a través de su historia, sino aventurar cómo ésta afectó a su evolución y viceversa. Buscamos aportar la visión interdisciplinar del análisis y conocimiento histórico y la condición técnica y proyectual propia del diseño. Desde ofrecemos unas jornadas en las que diez participantes ofrecerán un discurso crítico en torno a las nuevas formas de concebir este objeto y sus antecedentes. El marco temporal que abarcan las conferencias es amplio. Pudiendo plantearse ponencias desde los comienzos de la impresión y evolución de este objeto en el siglo XV, hasta la desaparición física del mismo y la aparición del formato digital actual. Igualmente, las conferencias pueden abarcar temas puramente estéticos como su concepción artística y evolución formal a lo largo del siglo XX. Se celebrarán la primera semana de Abril, anunciaremos las fechas exactas próximamente junto al programa. Organizadas por:; Universidad Complutense (Dpt. Diseño e Imagen); Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Seminario Renacimiento); Universidad de Amberes (Dpt. Historia). Con el apoyo de: Museo de Artes Decorativas de Madrid; Museo Plantin-Moretus en Amberes y Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Área de Paleografía y Diplomática).
The problem about the understanding of the beauty of the printed object is, as Adorno referred about the natural beauty, the “indetermination of the object and his concept”. We call for the reflection about the editorial aesthetic from an interdisciplinary perspective. To criticize the discourse and the historical background on the technical, social, and aesthetic evolution of the traditional printed book, thus developing its concept as a contemporary object. Not only is intended to offer a formal analysis of the historical object, but also the understanding how it is been affected by his evolution. We seek to provide an interdisciplinary analysis of the historical knowledge and the technical and projectual condition of design. From we offer a conferences in which ten speakers will offer a critical vision about the new ways of conceiving this object and its antecedents. The historical frame is wide. Presentations can be made from the beginning of the printing and evolution of the object in the 15th century, until its physical disappearance and development in the current digital format. Likewise, the lectures can cover purely aesthetic topics such as their artistic conception and formal evolution throughout the 20th century. They will be held the first week of April, we will announce the exact dates soon together with the program. Organized by:; Complutense University of Madrid (Dpt. Disign and Image); Autonomus University of Barcelona (Seminar of Renaissance Studies); Antwerp University (Dpt. History). Supported by: Museum of Decorative Arts of Madrid; Museum Plantin-Moretus of Antwerpt; Autonomus University of Madrid (Dpt. Paleography and Diplomacy).